
Sunday, April 08, 2007


It seems that Jonathan (E)Ames and his wife Elizabeth
Blount didn’t leave New England entirely.

Another edition of the Essex Antiquarian with an Ames
genealogy mentions the murder and that Jonathan Sr.
sold his farm in “the spring of 1770 and removed to
Londonderry N.H.”

There are records of marriages for the two daughters:
Sarah married a William Foster in 1763, and Elizabeth
married a Benjamin Barker in 1774.

So far, no further trace of Jonathan Jr. nor to the child of
Ruth Perley (E)Ames

I also forgot to mention that the person who wrote the piece
about the death of Ruth Perley (E)ames for the Antiquarian
was named Sydney Perley who was the editor and main
contributor to the publication.

No doubt he first heard the whle story through an older

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