
Thursday, May 10, 2007


Bedtime genealogy is pretty much as the term sounds. I
work on the sales floor of a large bookstore five days a week
and my longer sessions on internet genealogy searching
usually take place on my days off. Other times, after I’ve
eaten dinner and dozed for an hour or two I’ll come online
for a bit before heading to bed and randomly pick out some
ancestors for a quick random googling.

Hence, “bedtime genealogy.”

A few nights back I googled “Abbott+Andover” hoping to fill
in some of the history of that line and on the very first page
of hits saw this link: “ACADIANS ANDOVER MA;ACADIAN
”. Given my previous discovery of the
role of Essex county cousins in Canada after the expulsion of
the Acadians by the British, this link piqued my curiosity. It
led to a page at the Acadian and French-Canadian Ancestral
Website which is owned and created by Lucie LeBlanc

I want to obtain Lucie’s permission before I cite her research
here, so for now, check out her webpage.


Anonymous said...

The two Acadian families I recall from my Andover history research were the probably once known by the surnames L'andre and Eber but were tongue-twisted by the English into the Laundry and Bear families. Jacques Eber became Jockey Bear. They lived in South Andover parish

Bill West said...

That's the names given at the site.

Of course what caught my eye is the name of Jonathan Abbot(t) whose
house was used by the Acadians.

I'm not sure if this Jonathan is from our Abbott line or another as of yet.