
Sunday, January 06, 2008


The 39th Edition of the Carnival of Genealogy is out and once
again Jasia has a collection of great genealogy blog reading. This
edition dealt with the New Year’s resolutions of genealogists and
includes my own earlier post on the subject. Usually there are
some posts I’ve already read but there are also usually some new
ones from blogs that I end up adding to my links list, and this
time is no exception. All in all, 22 participants and all good

Ironically, the call for submissions for the 40th edition concerns:
“…Living-relative connections made during your research
processes and/or blog. Who found you or how did you find

them? Were they helpful or did they send you on a wild goose
chase for further information? How much and what kind of
information did they share with you? What did you share with
them? What kinds of contacts have you had... in person, via
phone, online chat, email, snail mail, web casts? (If you're not
comfortable using their real names you might want to consider
using pseudonyms.)”

I say ironically because the same night the CoG came out I
received an email from another descendant of my ancestor
Jonathan Barker who gave me information on how to contact
two other Barker cousins. And later the same night, I emailed
someone who shares my ancestors John Cutter West and Arvilla
Ames concerning the family tree. While I haven't heard anything
back from the latter as yet, the exchange with my Barker
relative has been interesting and fun!

So that CoG topic is timely indeed!

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